Saturday, July 9, 2016

Weight Training Tips - Shortcuts to Explosive Results

I thought I would make a quick list of the three top weight training tips for all of the beginners out there. These are all things you should follow to get maximum results as well as prevent injury.

Weight Training Tips

1. Stretch before all workouts. This is extremely vital. It is frustrating to see how many beginners (and veterans) skip this warm up process prior to working out. Stretching elongates muscles which allows for a higher range of motion for working out. This increased rang of motion will allow your muscles to be able to handle the stresses of working out without getting an injury.

Remember, you want to tear muscle fibres when working out. Not the entire muscle itself.

2. Use a four second down-and-explode cadence. When your muscle is being elongated, slow the movement down so that it lasts an entire four second. When contracting the muscle, explode with as much force as you can.

3. Breath. This is another overlooked one of the common weight training tips. Don't be the guy in the gym who's face is beet red because your holding your breath when lifting. You are not getting sufficient oxygen into your body when doing this.

Those are the top weight training tips when it comes to working out. There are many other variables which contribute to great results. Most notably are your diet and the efficiency of your workouts.

The efficiency of your workouts is huge. It can get you the desired results very quickly. Through science there has now been a type of workout created which allows you to work out for only minutes per day, yet still get maximum muscle growth, tone, and fat loss. This is all done through getting maximum efficiency.

You should have a burning passion to achieve your ideal body type. If you do not have that passion, I would suggest you cultivate it.

How will you feel when you have that exact body of your desire? Visualize it. Take the time to feel that passion and emotion in your gut. Let it grow stronger and stronger.

Feels good, doesn't it?

That level of passion is what turns dreams into a reality. You must take care of yourself first before you can offer significant value to the loves ones in your life.

If you have 7-10 minutes per day, then you will have the healthy, toned, sexy body which you have been dreaming about. It takes a lot less time than you think.

Imagine how it would feel to look in the mirror and see yourself with the body of your dreams...
You will have a healthy, toned, sexy body.

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